Aries Consult is happy to report that we have successfully completed the final evaluation of phase 1 of the German Red Cross "Institutional strengthening of disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation capacities in Togo" project in Togo. This project, which was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Red Cross (GRC), was implemented in partnership with the Togolese Red Cross (TRC) and ran from 2019 to 2021.
The main aim of the project was to contribute to the long-term strengthening of disaster preparedness structures and increase resilience to the risks of natural disasters and the effects of climate change in Togo. To achieve this, the project focused on establishing micro-level capacities in villages and strengthening civil society structures, as well as strengthening the TRC so that it could better carry out its mission and improve framework conditions in the disaster preparedness sector at the macro level. The project also aimed to sustainably train and strengthen personnel and structures for disaster reduction, with a particular focus on climate-related disaster risk reduction and the integration of natural watersheds.
Aries Consult was commissioned by the TRC and GRC to conduct a final evaluation of the project in Lomé and the regions of Maritime and Savanes. Our main objective was to assess the design, implementation process, monitoring tools, and cooperation with the TRC and other stakeholders, as well as identify best practices and lessons learned. We provided the data collection instruments and trained field staff, and oversaw the data collection and analysis in the field. Our evaluation aimed to assess the results obtained, the progress made, and the added value of the activities delivered during the project, as well as highlight lessons learned and make recommendations for further activities.
We are pleased to have successfully completed this important evaluation and are grateful to the TRC and GRC for the opportunity to contribute to the successful implementation of this project. We hope that our findings will be used to inform future disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation efforts in Togo.