Recently, we led the final evaluation of the Programme d’Appui au Développement de l’Education au Sénégal - Riposte et Résilience à la COVID-19 (PADES-RR).
As part of the project, recruited Aries Consult and its expertise in context analysis and continuous monitoring for the Stabilisation and Conflict Prevention Project in Mali
Final evaluation of EU-funded Community Violence Reduction project for IOM CAR
A perception/impact study of the community engagement program implemented by IOM
Support UNODC CAR with a human trafficking data collection and analysis system
A baseline study on Social Cohesion for an IOM CVE project in Kollo department in Niger.
Consultant to map actors working on missing migrants in Mali and Niger
Evaluation of a PBF-funded Community Violence Reduction project in Bambari, CAR.
Evaluation of PBF-funded IOM demobilisation and reintegration project in CAR, .
IOM requested us to evaluate a Migration Rescue and Assistance Project.
Community Violence Reduction project funded by KIOCA.for IOM CAR
Community Violence Reduction project funded by the European Union.for IOM CAR
Continent-wide study on the impact of COVID on the rights & well-being of children in Africa.
Final evaluation of a climate change adaptation project in Togo for the Red Cross
UNICEF Niger commissioned a socio-anthropological study on civil registry use