
Final evaluation of the AFD-funded PADES-RR programme in Sénégal

Recently, we led the final evaluation of the Programme d’Appui au Développement de l’Education au Sénégal - Riposte et Résilience à la COVID-19 (PADES-RR).

Analysis and Context Monitoring in Mali

As part of the project, recruited Aries Consult and its expertise in context analysis and continuous monitoring for the Stabilisation and Conflict Prevention Project in Mali

Final evaluation of EU community stabilisation project

Final evaluation of EU-funded Community Violence Reduction project for IOM CAR

Impact study of the IOM Niger community engagement program

A perception/impact study of the community engagement program implemented by IOM

Improving the national human trafficking data collection in CAR

Support UNODC CAR with a human trafficking data collection and analysis system

Baseline study on Social Cohesion in Niger

A baseline study on Social Cohesion for an IOM CVE project in Kollo department in Niger.

Mapping: Missing Migrants in Mali and Niger

Consultant to map actors working on missing migrants in Mali and Niger

Evaluation of PBF-funded community stabilisation project

Evaluation of a PBF-funded Community Violence Reduction project in Bambari, CAR.

Evaluation of IOM demobilisation project in CAR funded by PBF

Evaluation of PBF-funded IOM demobilisation and reintegration project in CAR, .

Final evaluation of IOM's MIRAA-3 project in Niger

IOM requested us to evaluate a Migration Rescue and Assistance Project.

Mid-term evaluation of KOICA community stabilisation project

Community Violence Reduction project funded by KIOCA.for IOM CAR

Mid-term evaluation of EU community stabilisation project

Community Violence Reduction project funded by the European Union.for IOM CAR

Impact of COVID-19 on the rights of children in Africa

Continent-wide study on the impact of COVID on the rights & well-being of children in Africa.

Final evaluation for German Red Cross in Togo

Final evaluation of a climate change adaptation project in Togo for the Red Cross

Socio-anthropological study on low use of civil registry

UNICEF Niger commissioned a socio-anthropological study on civil registry use