Data collection and management

Data collection and management

We offer both the people and the tools for collecting data in the field. We use KoboCollect, an online/offline mobile data-collection platform for field work. The advantage of KoBo is that surveys can be conducted offline and uploaded once internet connection is again achieved. Thus, data collection in the field is independent of mobile or data networks.

Aries Consulting also has a network of field researchers across the continent - the Africa Research Network - which grew out of a need to have reliable people for our own projects and now spans the whole continent. With more than 5000 vetted field staff, we can ensure rapid deployment of qualified local field capacity for quantitative and qualitative data collection.

Field data that we gather needs to serve a purpose and our team of analysts is involved from the start. They contribute their insights before we develop data collection tools, develop the best analysis approaches and help define ideal sampling strategies. Filed data is combined and triangulated with official statistics, open source data collected insights we gained in similar projects or geographical areas.

We also use our site-visit reports and photographic confirmation to ensure we can paint a complete picture.

Our data management policies are based on confidentiality, ethical principles, international standards and national legislation; we apply GDPR Standards wherever possible.

Field researcher selection

Design and implementation of monitoring and evaluation of your projects and programmes

Data collection

We offer both the people and the tools for collecting data in the field. We can help vet and select, train, deploy field staff ... and thus help you ensure data quality.

Data management & Analysis

Effective, innovative collection and management of data for monitoring, evaluation or social research and management of field researchers.

Data collection strategy & training

The success of mobile field data collection exercises also depends on a well-prepared deployment plan and supporting logistics - and on well-trained field staff.

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