Final evaluation for German Red Cross in Togo

Final evaluation for German Red Cross in Togo

Togo Final Evaluation – Climate Change Adaptation and Capacity Building

CLIENT: German Red Cross/Togolese Red Cross
START - END DATE: October-December 2021
VALUE (EUR): 20,000.00 €

Togolese Red Cross (TRC) is the main partner of the project. Since 2009, the TRC has been involved in Disaster Risk Management (DRM). With a wide range of  community-based disaster prevention actions and through strengthening of an Early Warning System  (EWS) to mitigate the damage caused by floods on Togo's main rivers, TRCs aims to develop and increase  community resilience. To date, the TRC has had a significant presence on the ground enabling other actors  in the field to share early warning messages and to monitor floods. 

The cooperation with German Red Cross (GRC) dates back to the 1990’s; there has been a continuous  presence of GRC delegates in-country since 2004. From 2013 to 2018, the TRC with the support of GRC,  implemented a project "Disaster Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change in Togo". This project  was followed by the phase 1 of the BMZ-funded project " Institutional strengthening of disaster risk  reduction and climate adaption capacities in Togo " (TOGO/RIC/ACC), currently being implemented  between 2019 – 2021.  

In this context, the project, which started in 2019 and ended in December 2021. responded to several development functions: 

  1. The project's objective is integrated with and supportive of national plans. 
  2. Using the experiences gained from the previous project, micro-level capacities will be established in  villages, civil society structures will be strengthened and linked to formal and official public  structures, to be formalized as a basic operational and replicable model. 
  3. The project partner (meso-level) will be strengthened, enabling it to properly carry out its mission in  a more appropriate manner. 
  4. Together with state actors at the macro level, the project contributes to improving the framework  conditions in the disaster preparedness sector. 
  5. In contrast to ad hoc approaches, the project's focus on training and strengthening personnel and  structures for disaster reduction is targeted at sustainable climate-related disaster risk reduction. 
  6. Also the regional component of climate change and the integration of natural watersheds are taken  into account. 

The project was funded by BMZ and GRC and was developed with the objective to contribute to a long-term  strengthening of disaster preparedness structures and resilience to the considerable risks of natural  disasters as well as to the effects of climate change that have become more pronounced in recent years. 

The Togolese Red Cross (CRT) and the German Red Cross (GRC) requested us to conduct a final project evaluation  for the project that has been implemented in Togo Lomé, as well as in the regions of Maritime and Savanes. 


The final evaluation's main objective is to consider the design, implementation process, monitoring tools, cooperation with the local branch of the Togolese Red Cross, stakeholders, best practices, and lessons learned, and other elements that may hinder the successful completion of the project. The consultant is expected to include field visits. The output of the exercise is a final evaluation report.