Information needs analysis in South Sudan

Information needs analysis in South Sudan

CLIENT: Internews
COUNTRY: South Sudan
START - END DATE: April-May 2019
VALUE (EUR): 28,000.00 €

Internews contracted us to provide a Lead Researcher to conduct an information ecosystem survey (IES) in Jamjang in Unity State (Yida, Ajuong Thok and Pamir) and to work with a team of locally recruited field enumerators to map out existing “information needs” of refugees and host communities.

The IES is designed to offer a better understanding of the information needs and behaviour of information consumers. The findings will also serve to help guide aid agencies in their approach and engagement with communities which should result in more effective aid delivery.

The assessments will focus on the current most common and trusted channels through which refugees get information, the extent to which they are able to access reliable information, what they identify to be their primary information needs, as well as gauging their levels of trust associated with various forms of information exchange and delivery. 

This mapping of the information needs will also reveal the dynamics of informal information networks and the trusted “information brokers” that drive them. Through this exercise, Internews will identify viable entry points for the design and improvement of information services for Sudanese refugees. The sampling size will be based on UNHCR population data for both Jamjang.


Desk Research

Desk research to collate a wide range of contexts and factors that constitute the “media landscape” that influences and shapes access, available content, inclusion and engagement of audiences. 

The desk research will provide preliminary findings that will inform the following:

  • Selection of field research locations and approach.
  • Selection of target communities and information providers.
  • Criteria for the selection of key Informant Interviews.
  • Criteria for selection of focus groups.
  • Design of questionnaires drawn from Internews extensive database of previous work. 
  • Identification of areas for additional exploration.

Design of Questionnaire and Field Research Approach

The design of the questionnaire included a 3-day workshop with the enumerators, who will be recruited among the target audience, and will help adapt and amend the research questions. 

Field Research

  • Field Research – surveys 
  • Focus Group Discussions with selected key-demographics within the target audience 
  • Key Informant Interviews and observation 
  • Final Workshop with enumerators

Training on data analysis of Internews’ information management officer on:

  • qualitative data analysis 
  • production of infographics, snapshots and other documents