The project deploy a holistic approach that aim to restore basic social and economic services through the construction/rehabilitation of prioritised community infrastructures using the Cash-for-Work (CfW) approach, engagement of unemployed youth in professional/skills training programs and the establishment of local enterprises for selected beneficiaries as Income-Generating Activities (IGA).
These activities are accompanied by capacity building of local authorities, Civil Society Organizations (CSO), Local Committees and the communities at large through training, awareness raising sessions and social cultural activities; the CVR project is funded by EU.
The joint evaluation with the evaluation of the KOICA-funded project will maximise time and resources as the two evaluations have been scheduled at the same time. It will be important to conduct joint evaluation in order to compare the data and the progress both projects are making. Lessons learnt from the evaluation will allow the implementation team to derive operational recommendations in a holistic manner for all intervention zones.
Violence Reduction and Stabilization of High Security Risk Communities / EU
For the EU CVR funded project, the scope of the final evaluation will take into account all project outputs and results, from the formal launch of the project in August 2018 through the operational set-up, and the implementation of the planned activities up to 30 April 2022. The geographic scope of the evaluation will include Bangui, Ouham Pende, Nana Gribizi and Kemo Prefectures, which are the main areas of project intervention.
The objectives of the final evaluation are to assess project progress at mid-point, to extract good practices, challenges, document lessons learnt and recommendations, in order to guide the future implementation and potential scaling-up or expansion of the projects.
IOM follows the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) criteria for evaluations, which assess the project using the following six criteria: relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability. The final evaluation will be conducted in accordance with the evaluation framework.
The specific objectives of the evaluations are as follows:
The evaluation also aims to assess the impact of the project on the socio – economic and security conditions of the population and the communities in which the project was implemented.