Baseline study on Social Cohesion in Niger

Baseline study on Social Cohesion in Niger

START - END DATE: April-June 2022 (extended to August 2023)
VALUE (EUR): 27,000.00 €

The proposed intervention will work to enlarge the existing network of youth and women’s groups that has been set up through previous NCCI activities. Due to the precise geographical focus of the proposed intervention, IOM will be able to extend this network to increase its coverage and reach.

Through the provision of technical training on conflict resolution, recognizing drivers of conflict and communication with the local authorities, the different groups will be able to disseminate their knowledge and experience throughout different communes and various layers of society, that may be otherwise hard to reach through traditional awareness-raising activities. Furthermore, the project will enlarge the current network of peace committees on both the village and commune level.

This structure will allow for better communication between the peace committees at village level and commune level, and subsequently between the peace committee at commune level and the local and regional authorities.

To start the program on solid grounds, a baseline study will be conducted to define the reference values and therefore set the target values for each indicator and to provide and update information on the various dynamics (particularly security-oriented) in the department of Kollo. In order to carry out this study, IOM is recruiting a research firm or consortium of firms to conduct a baseline study on community perceptions of security and governance issues in the Department of Kollo. 


The main objective of this study is to assess the baseline situation in the project's intervention communes to facilitate the measurement of changes that will occur as a result of its implementation.

These changes will be measured through future evaluations (mid-term and final) that will be conducted. These changes relate to community perceptions of security and governance issues in Kollo Department. Indeed, the development of the baseline should allow the project to estimate the level of each indicator of the logical framework before the start of activities.

We were asked to:

  • Participate in preparatory meetings with the PCCN team in Niamey before the start of field activities;  
  • Develop/adapt data collection tools; 
  • Collect data in the target communes of the department; 
  • Enter data;
  • Write and submit a quality study report including graphs, comparative analysis of the situation in the ten communes, conclusions and recommendations, lessons learned, etc; 
  • Participate in various meetings that the PCCN deems necessary.