
Community stabilisation and meaningful change in CAR

Can community stabilisation projects curb violence? Evidence from the field.

Proud to have submitted our first proposal of the new year

2023 has just begun, but we were productive and submitted a first proposal.

Completion of final evaluation of EU community stabilisation project

We completed the final evaluation of the EU-funded CVR project implemented by IOM CAR

Final evaluation of EU community stabilisation project

Final evaluation of EU-funded Community Violence Reduction project for IOM CAR

Improving the national human trafficking data collection in CAR

Support UNODC CAR with a human trafficking data collection and analysis system

Evaluation of PBF-funded community stabilisation project

Evaluation of a PBF-funded Community Violence Reduction project in Bambari, CAR.

Evaluation of IOM demobilisation project in CAR funded by PBF

Evaluation of PBF-funded IOM demobilisation and reintegration project in CAR, .

Mid-term evaluation of KOICA community stabilisation project

Community Violence Reduction project funded by KIOCA.for IOM CAR

Mid-term evaluation of EU community stabilisation project

Community Violence Reduction project funded by the European Union.for IOM CAR