
Mapping: Missing Migrants in Mali and Niger

Consultant to map actors working on missing migrants in Mali and Niger

Aries Consult on TV in Mali: Talking about Missing Migrants

Short TV appearance of Aries Consult's lead researcher on Missing Migrants in the Sahel.

Final evaluation of IOM's MIRAA-3 project in Niger

IOM requested us to evaluate a Migration Rescue and Assistance Project.

Baseline study in Liptako-Gourma (Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger)

Baseline study on reinforcing the cooperation between security forces and the population.

Mid-term evaluation in Mali - WaSH and Livelihood

Mid-term evaluation of archeNova' project in the Gao region of Mali

Field work... sort of

The sense of privilege hopping on a small plane and the feeling of wonder & amazement

Mali revisited (2)

Last real evening in Mali... tomorrow I am going home. A last drink & surprise.

Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger... the Sahel quagmire (1)

The woes of the Sahel are... God I don't even know where to even to begin...