
Surmonter les obstacles culturels et traditionnels dans la collecte de données qualitatives

Il est souvent difficile d'obtenir des données authentiques et significatives en raison de problèmes qui vont au-delà des questions méthodologiques

Suivi et évaluation sensibles aux conflits : Une approche globale

Le S&EL sensible aux conflits est une approche essentielle pour évaluer et orienter la consolidation de la paix et le développement dans les régions touchées par les conflits.

Conflict-Sensitive Monitoring and Evaluation: A Comprehensive Approach

Conflict-sensitive MEL is a critical approach in assessing and guiding peacebuilding and development in conflict-affected regions.

Community stabilisation and meaningful change in CAR

Can community stabilisation projects curb violence? Evidence from the field.

Baseline study on Social Cohesion in Niger

A baseline study on Social Cohesion for an IOM CVE project in Kollo department in Niger.

Mapping: Missing Migrants in Mali and Niger

Consultant to map actors working on missing migrants in Mali and Niger

ACERWC Continental Assessment Report on the Impact of COVID-19

We are proud to see the report on the impact of COVID on children in Africa adopted .

Voices of Irregular African Migrants to Europe

Study reveals strong links between migration and development

Social study on barriers to return for Tawergha in Libya

Social research on the barriers of return of Tawergha refugees and IDPs in Libya.

Social research

Social research to help organisations make better decisions.

Melissa BLINK

Melissa Blink - our expert on gender and gender-based violence